tiistai 22. tammikuuta 2013

Project: Mystery Event - Just For Fun

I felt quite nostalgic the other day so I started looking back in time and thinking about what cool stuff I did during my exchange in Adelaide, Australia. One of the courses I took was Management of Brands and this Mystery project which was to celebrate the end of lectures kind of touched the topics we had dealt with during the course: how to create brand value and how to do it online.

In my opinion life does not have to be too serious and organizing funny things will cheer up many people – especially during busy schedule. Every now and then I enjoy doing something completely different, thinking outside of the box, amuse people and simply make them laugh! And this is how we did it by using the knowledge we learnt at university.

Whilst doing my exchange at University of Adelaide, we organised together with Candice aka. Crazy Candy a mystery event. We started making buzz well in advance which included creating a logo with our artist names (Crazy Candy and Terrific Tanja) due to building brand equity, making an awesome teaser video [where everyone could get familiar with the logo as well] with the most basic movie maker programme, advertising the event on Facebook and Twitter [with the logo of course, in order to expose people to it], creating a QR code and putting the QR codes all around the campus. If we were Australians we might have come up with more innovative channel solutions but I think we did pretty good job. And we certainly showed the power of social media at least. Big thanks to Adelaide Uni which was supporting us along the way and spreading the word out there. In the end not too many were that into jumping and dancing with us but at least the ones that joined, seemed to enjoy themselves. In my opinion it's not all about the quantity but the quality and the fun time we had together!  

The teaser video

mystery event
Facebook event

mystery event (Twitter)
Advertising on Twitter

mystery event (QR)
QR codes in the campus

And the actual result

Smile, we live only once! :)

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